The Hidden Deception of Modern Poker Machines

Modern poker machines (pokies) are designed to mislead, using Random Number Generators (RNGs) to create illusions of chance. These "spinning reels" and "animated cards" simulate randomness but predetermine outcomes—trapping users in a cycle of false hope and financial harm.

This isn’t real gambling; it's a systemic deception that misrepresents users' money and exploits their trust. The chance of winning a typical $5,000 prize on a $1 poker machine is approximately 9,700,000 to 1, these machines are rigged to ensure that for every dollar you spend, you will only receive 85c back. Clubs and pubs are taxed up to 27% on all profits from poker machines yet still in the first half of the 2023-2024 financial year, total revenue from poker machines in NSW reached $4.1 billion, marking an increase of $217 million (5.29%) compared to the same period in the previous year, I wonder how much the government is making?

Lives, families, and communities are destroyed by the manipulation, yet the industry thrives under weak regulations and public apathy.

Action is Needed: Demand

transparency and accountability.

Push for stronger consumer protections.

Educate yourself and others about the dangers of pokies.

Let's address this harmful practice and protect our communities.


Plibersek must address the devistating cARP Epidemic
