Papps' smear ignores Basin Plan flaws

Former Commonwealth Environmental Water Holder David Papps has missed key facts in his recent defence of the Murray Darling Basin Plan, says SFF Murray MP Helen Dalton.

Mr Papps co-authored an opinion piece in the Sydney Morning Herald this week arguing against the growing calls to scrap the Murray Darling Basin Plan.

“Mr Papps is right to say state governments are also to blame for the water mess we are in now,” Mrs Dalton said

“But this has all happened under the framework of a very flawed Murray Darling Basin Plan,”

“Corruption and environmental disasters have only increased since the Plan came into effect”

Mrs Dalton said Mr Papps omitted key facts about the Basin Plan in his article.

“What’s not clear from his article is the fact so-called environmental water targets, mandated under the Basin Plan, are causing environmental destruction”.

“Mr Papps did not mention water waste in South Australia’s lower lakes”

“He did not mention the water waste in the Barmah forrest”.

“This is all happening as a direct result of the Basin Plan”

“Mr Papps’ article is implying that farmers will just suck more water out of the river if we scrap the Basin Plan”. 

“I think this is an unfair smear on irrigators”

“We do not want a free-for-all. We do not want to sacrifice the environment for more environmental production.”

“All we want is fairness and accountability. We are getting neither under this disastrous Plan”.


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