Griffith hospital to fix broken bones

NSW Independent MP Helen Dalton was told broken bones services will return to Griffith Base Hospital at a meeting with Murrumbidgee Local Health District (MLHD) on Tuesday.

“This would be fantastic news for families in Griffith, Leeton, Hay, Hillston and surrounds,” Mrs Dalton said

“When a child in Hay breaks his arm playing sport on a Saturday, he faces a traumatic three-hour trip to Wagga to have it treated.”

“I’ve been lobbying for orthopaedic services in Griffith for years, but the Government have long ignored our pleas.”

“In the past, I’ve heard the Government have even blocked orthopaedic surgeons who wanted to come to Griffith.”

“But at our Rural Health Forum last month, Minister Hazzard said the hospital is currently recruiting two orthopaedic surgeons to work at the hospital.”

“At a meeting at Griffith Base Hospital on Wednesday, the outgoing General Manager told me those two surgeons would be working at the hospital before the end of the year.”

“I’m not sure why it takes so long to recruit, we need them now – but if after decades of not having broken bones services, we get them in 2022, that’s a huge win for our community.”

Mrs Dalton said her task now will be to hold the Government to their commitment. She has submitted a question on notice to the Health Minister requesting the surgeons’ start date and full details.

“I want to make sure these surgeons are directly employed by the public hospital. Previously, the Government have implied the public hospital would only access surgeons employed by the private hospital.”

Mrs Dalton also said it is devastating that Griffith Base Hospital have lost their third General Manager in four years.

“We are always grateful when medical professionals move to Griffith. We should be doing all we can to encourage them to stay and make Griffith their home,” Mrs Dalton said.

“But the Government is forcing good people away.”

“But it’s hard to verify anything because the Government gags staff and threatens them with code of conduct violations if they talk to me or the media.”

“The public deserve answers, but the Government is keeping us all in the dark.”

“The first thing we need is for the Government to explain to use why our hospital has a faster turnover then McDonalds.”

“Then we need to address the issues and do what we can to encourage staff to stay.”


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