Dalton tests negative for Covid-19, appeals for financial aid for regions

UPDATE: The NSW Government have since announced support for small businesses impacted by lockdowns. It's not enough, but a start. See details here

NSW State Member for Murray Helen Dalton will again appeal to the NSW and federal government to provide urgent financial subsidies to regional NSW businesses devastated by Covid-19 lockdowns and border closures.

Her call comes as Victoria closes its northern border in the wake of new Covid-19 restrictions across NSW. 

Mrs Dalton will also request the Griffith, Leeton, Carrathool and Narrandera regions be added to the border bubble zone, which allows for travel within an exempted NSW-Victoria border region.  

“No region in Australia has been more impacted by Covid than NSW-Victoria border towns,” Mrs Dalton said

“They cop a double whammy, and are badly hurt when both NSW and Victoria go into lockdown,”

“Regional small businesses have lost millions, but have received scant support from governments more willing to prop up multinationals and provide aid to Sydney CBD,”

“Many border town hotels and restaurants may never recover.”

Mrs Dalton urged Government border MPs to join with her and others who have advocated both national border closure rules and more financial assistance.

“What we need is for all border MPs to put politics aside, and appeal to governments as a united front,”

“Earlier this year, I requested all border MPs sign a joint letter to the Prime Minister and Premiers,”

“I got a fantastic response from independent and minor parties MPs, who signed the letter,”

“But the Government MPs like Justin Clancy and Sussan Ley refused to do so,”

“These Government MPs are in the political parties that have decided to shut the border,”

“They need to put their community ahead of their party and fight for us all.”

Mrs Dalton has been directly impacted by the latest NSW lockdown and is subject to a stay at home order for the next 14 days.

“I was in Sydney for Parliament last week. I have tested negative for Covid but will stay on my farm for the next two weeks,”

“Some of my staff are also required to stay at home, so I will unfortunately need to cancel all meetings and shut my Griffith, Deniliquin and Wentworth Offices until 12 July,”

“We’ll still be working remotely, so please email the office on murray@parliament.nsw.gov.au if we can assist you.”

Mrs Dalton says Griffith, Leeton, Carrathool and Narrandera should be added to the border bubble.

“There are no known Covid cases in these areas, and many farmers and businesses are heavily dependent on Victoria,”

“I will appeal to the Victorian Cross Border Commissioner for these regions to be added.”


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