1st JOB for Daryl Quinlivan AO: Accountability & Punish Wrong doing

The Murray–Darling Basin Authority (MDBA) has been rocked by damning revelations from the Australian National Audit Office (ANAO), exposing misuse of government credit cards, inappropriate acceptance of gifts, and poor management of hospitality. These findings show a clear lack of accountability in an organisation tasked with managing Australia’s most critical water resource.

The ANAO audit revealed:

17 instances of corporate credit card misuse in just three years.

Hospitality policies repeatedly ignored, with alcohol and dinners paid on public funds.

Inconsistent enforcement of gift policies, even during an active audit.

Incoming MDBA Chair Daryl Quinlivan AO, stepping in on 23 December, has a massive challenge ahead. His first priority must be to restore credibility by holding those responsible to account and ensuring robust systems are in place to prevent future misconduct.

Our communities demand answers:

How will the MDBA ensure these behaviours are punished and not repeated?

What steps will be taken to protect the Basin’s integrity and taxpayer funds?

The Murray–Darling Basin is too important to be undermined by internal failures. The first job of the new leadership must be real accountability, not just words.




MDBA dines at our community's expense